Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republikyPostdoc in Ecology of Invasions by Fungi LABORATORY / UNIT: 141 Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology Position description Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology is looking for a motivated postdoctoral fellow.XXX XXXXXX will join the Junior Research team lead by XXXX XXXXXX ( petr.kohout@biomed.cas.cz ; https://scholar.google.cz/citations?user=nlHqs8gAAAAJ&hl=cs ) to explore the biogeography of fungi and ecology of invasions by fungi.The position will be focused on dimension of XXXXX fungal species introductions,their potential to invasive spreading and their role in ecosystem processes on invaded sites.The project includes analyses of large data collections,particularly our inhouse database GlobalFungi (globalfungi.com),as well as field sampling and experiments.In addition,we also encourage members of our team to develop their own scientific questions related to XXX project.Requirement We expect that the applicant XXX XXX following qualifications: PhD degree in XXX XXXXX of mycology,ecology,microbiology or similar Experience with advanced statistics First-authored papers in high-ranking IF journals in XXX XXXXXX of mycology,ecology or mikrobiology Excellence in English and good communication skills Motivation for independent scientific work We XXXXX XXX Junior Research team is belonging to XXX Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology of XXX Institute of Microbiology in Prague,in XXX XXXXX Republic.We XXXXX XXX XXXX in an inspiring and friendly environment of an international team with a XXXX research tradition in microbial ecology (see e.g.https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Petr_Baldrian ) and access to interesting experiments / datasets produced by XXX XXXX institution and their collaborators.Gross salary: approximately XXXX EUR / month (in CZK),30 days of paid holiday per year.The position is offered for an initial period of one year,XXX XXX be extended.Full time position,XX hours per week vocational trainin...




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