Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republikyA PhD student position in experimental molecular physics is available at XXX J.Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry in Prague,Czech Republic,in close collaboration XXXX XXX Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,Charles University,Czech Republic.The research project primarily concerns low-energy electron molecule collision experiments with gas phase molecules.For more information regarding the project,please contact Dr.Pamir Nag (https://www.jh-inst.cas.cz/nag/),email: pamir.nag@jh-inst.cas.cz. 
Type of contract: Temporary
Envisaged job starting date: 1.5.2024
Requirements: - A master degree in Physics or in Physical Chemistry - XXX experince of working with high vaccum system,data acquisition system,charged particle detection,charged particle trajectory simulation is a plus.- Knowledge of Python or similar programming language is desirable.- We have a large number of international colleagues and collaborators,good communication skill in English is essential <.>
Eligibility criteria: If XXX XXX interested,please send us your CV,a brief summary of educataion/courses taken relavent for conducting research work in atomic and molecular physics and names with e-mail addresses of 1 - 2 references to recruitment@jh-inst.cas.cz.Please write in XXX subject line of your email SCXXXX_XX <.>
Benefits - 25 days paid leave of absence (holidays) per year + 3 days of paid sick-leave - Flexible working-time,work-life balance - Lunch vouchers - Competitive salary - Possibility of attending children groups of XXX CAS - Possibility to use discounts in recreation centers of XXX CAS - Sports goods rental,free parking,trade union library - Language courses - Attractive location  
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 02.02.2024
Dovolujeme si Vás informovat,že zasláním odpovědi na inzerát poskytujete příslušnému správci své osobní údaje,a to za účelem realizace výběrového řízení a uzavření pracovní smlouvy nebo dohody (DPP,DPČ) ohledně Vámi vybrané pozice.To...




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